Exploring the Impact of Work-Life Balance on Hospital-Based Nurses: A Comprehensive Literature Review

DOI: https://doie.org/10.0824/Nerj.2024324677

Jeevitha M, K V Deepak, Abhinav


Quality of Work Life, Nurses, Hospital, professional development


The work-life balance of hospital-based nurses is a critical factor influencing their job satisfaction, mental health, and the quality of patient care they provide. This comprehensive literature review examines existing research on the impact of work-life balance among nurses operating in hospital settings. The review synthesizes findings from various studies to highlight the challenges nurses face in achieving a harmonious balance between their professional and personal lives. Key themes include the effects of shift work, organizational support, and the role of flexible scheduling. The analysis reveals that poor work-life balance contributes to increased stress, burnout, and turnover rates, whereas effective balance strategies enhance job satisfaction and patient outcomes. The review concludes with recommendations for healthcare institutions to implement supportive policies and practices that foster a healthier work-life equilibrium for nurses, ultimately benefiting both the workforce and the patients they serve.